Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We are in a worsening economic diaster right now and it will only get worse.

The USA is facing economic disaster on a scale few nations have ever experienced. Most people are unaware of the easily observable signs of this emerging crisis. While we persist in our superpower mentality, we have quietly become a second-class country in many respects.

We no longer produce what we need to sustain ourselves, we import much more than we export, and we are selling off our assets and taking on massive debts to sustain a standard of living we can no longer afford. Not only was this not the way we became a superpower but it is a sure way to lose this status.

Foreign countries are using the funds earned through our trade deficits to buy many of our strategic companies. Over the past 10 years, foreign interests have purchased an unprecedented $8 Trillion worth of USA assets.

The game plan of our international competitors is to render us completely dependent on foreign production, innovation, and financing. In losing domestic self-sufficiency, national security and leverage in foreign affairs will suffer greatly.

We are failing even to acknowledge predatory foreign trade practices undermining US industry. Instead we encourage US manufacturers to design, engineer, and produce in third world markets like Mexico and China.

Currently, 44 million people are on food stamps and 20 Million people are employed either by the state or federal govenments - more than 60 million people in the USA depend on the state for either their income or their food. (These figures do not count those incarcerated, on welfare or on social security.)

There are only 81 million households in the USA - so, something on the order of two-thirds of all the families in the USA already depend on the government for their food or their income and our government is clearly broke already. The total government debt in the USA per taxpayer is now in excess of $122,000 and that is just to pay off the current debt. Will you be able to pay your "share' today? No, well these governmental debts are now so large we shortly will no longer be able to borrow money to finance them.

There really is no free lunch. After years of sloganeering against taxes, the Republicans have made this an American mantra. Civilized nations pay with taxes for what they get, e.g. free medical care. Lest we forget, 145,000 or more Americans will die this year for lack medical insurance, and, thus, medical care as needed. Presumably the Republicans would like to increase that death figure in order to save budget expenses and to cut more taxes.

Watch the prices of anything that is useful in the USA that is priced in dollars go straight up! Gas went up 50 cents a gallon a few days after the election. Inflation and depression will hit the USA at the same time! Oh my!

Are you ready to see the results of over 14 trillion dollars in unpaid debt that the Republicans are saying was all caused by Obama? I was glad to see the newly elected Republicans (the party of no) boast that there will be no compromise on the Bush-era tax cuts. Do you really think you will be better off in two years than you are now?

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