Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Do you hear the rumbling?

France and Greece Elections -- Anti-Austerity Weekend The message emblazoned across European newspapers Monday morning was that European voters had rejected what's known as "austerity" -- the severe spending cuts and belt-tightening reforms meant to address the European currency and debt crises. Socialist candidate Francois Hollande beat right-leaning President Nicolas Sarkozy on Francois' promises to rein in the spending cuts and impose big taxes on the wealthy and corporations. In Greece, voters also handed huge defeats Sunday to the parties that had agreed to the country's tough bailout agreements. Germany's Angela Merkel has already rejected the pledge by newly elected French leader Francois Hollande to renegotiate a European treaty to rein in public debt. Nor would she countenance deficit spending to boost the economic growth that Europe so desperately needs, pouring cold water on another of Hollande's campaign promises. Growth could come only through "structural reforms," the conservative Merkel said. (Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles!). Greece's commitment to austerity is no longer valid because voters have rejected those deals, a left-wing party leader declared Tuesday as he tried to form a new coalition government. Alexis Tsipras, head of the Radical Left Coalition that came a surprise second in Sunday's tumultuous election, called upon Greece's two main party leaders to renege on their support for the multibillion-euro international bailout that is keeping Greece afloat. "There is no way we will sneak back in again what the Greek people threw out" in the election, he said, referring to resented austerity measures that have slashed incomes since early 2010 and led to record high unemployment. The seismic shift in Europe over the weekend as voters resoundingly rejected austerity probably should not come as a huge surprise to anyone. Austerity is a failed policy -- it just does not and can not work. Cutting taxes to the wealthiest while cutting wages, investments and the social safety-net doesn't give us prosperity; it strangles our future. President Reagan knew this when he raised taxes eleven times - a basic fact that the "Republicans" of "today" totally ignore. But, you may have been caught off guard by the weekend news out of Europe if you relied only on the America's corporation controlled media. If enough Americans hear/know the truth about austerity and “trickle-down” economics, the seismic shift we saw in Europe will happen here. America’s corporate media has been fueling the myths to protect the interests of the top 1% while the rest of us are "fed" the same crap that taxing the rich will hurt the poor and we must cut and/or discard all of our social safety nets if "we the people" are to survive! The Republicans will again try to get votes for Romney's austerity cuts by appealing to the anti gay/abortion voters and all of their (Ted Nugent's) negative comments. Romney continues his "whack a mole" campaign - During an event near Cleveland yesterday, a woman asked Romney if he thought President Obama is "operating outside the structure of our Constitution," and "should be tried for treason." Romney did not respond to the treason comment, but instead criticized Obama's recent comments on the Supreme Court. One would think that the fact whenever throughout history the people are tricked/forced into paying for the excesses of the rich they revolt - "Let them eat cake" does not create jobs nor does it fill empty bellies! Foreclosures and bankruptcies do not create fiscal solvency. Stopping or impeding 99% of our youth from getting a higher education will not protect our Nation's future! Student loans are now over a Trillion Dollars and "they" want to double the interest rate in July! What about protecting our Nation? Our Nation's military has severe problems - Since the start of the Bush/Republican Iraq War in 2003, the rate of Suicide among U.S. Army soldiers has soared, according to a new study from the U.S. Army Public Health Command. The study, an analysis of data from the Army Behavioral Health Integrated Data Environment, shows a striking 80 percent increase in suicides among Army personnel between 2004 and 2008. The rise parallels increasing rates of depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions in soldiers, the study said. The high number of suicides are "unprecedented in over 30 years of U.S. Army records," according to the authors of the study, which was published Wednesday in the journal Injury Prevention. Based on the data and the timing of the increase in suicide rates, the authors calculated that about 40 percent of the Army's suicides in 2008 could be associated with the U.S. military escalation in Iraq. One of the Republican social cuts is very hard on our surviving military veterans - If the homeless veterans were properly cared for by our country, the total homeless population would fall by more than 40 percent over night. Iceland Forgives Mortgage Debt for the Entire Population - April 13, 2012 - This is awesome. It shows when the people DO STAND UP they have more power and win against the corrupt bankers and politicians of a country. Iceland is forgiving and erasing the mortgage debt of the population. They are putting the bankers and politicians on the “Bench of the Accused.” Which means I assume they are putting them on trial for corruption. Now the rest of people of the world need to start doing the same thing. We all need to stand up and against all the corruption and fraud of the banks and politicians that are puppets of the banks and corporations. http://www.infowars.com/iceland-forgives-mortgage-debt-for-the-population/ Or, Do you really want more austerity cuts here in the USA?

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